Our Curriculum

At Laceby Acres Academy, we have chosen to follow the Chris Quigley Essentials Curriculum, which sets out essential coverage, learning objectives and the standards which are required for all subjects. We follow this curriculum, because it relentlessly develops the depth of children’s learning. The children are challenged by increased cognitive demands, ensuring that they independently apply the skills that they have learnt in a range of contexts rather than rushing on without Mastery. At the centre of each term’s work is a high quality text and we pay close attention to the content of the National Curriculum.

Our curriculum is a curriculum driven by Enquiry, underpinned by three further drivers, which are intrinsic to our vision for our academy. These three drivers are: The Arts, Possibilities and Diversity. Each topic has a ‘Sparkling Start’ to engage the children. We consider it important that the topics are flexible and appropriate to the needs of the children in each class. We also end each topic with a ‘Fabulous Finish’, during which the children share and showcase their learning to a wider audience and celebrate their achievements.

The phonics scheme that we use in the Foundation Stage and in Phase 2 is Little Wandle.

Academy Curriculum Long Term Plan

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